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A woman walks up the office stairs while a man walks down. Climbing stairs is one of many simple exercises to add to your day.

Easy ways to exercise and stay active when busy

No more excuses: It’s easier than you think to add regular exercise to your busy life.

​​​​​​​June 22, 2023
A woman walks up the office stairs while a man walks down. Climbing stairs is one of many simple exercises to add to your day.

Easy ways to exercise and stay active when busy

No more excuses: It’s easier than you think to add regular exercise to your busy life.

​​​​​​​June 22, 2023
A woman walks up the office stairs while a man walks down. Climbing stairs is one of many simple exercises to add to your day.

Easy ways to exercise and stay active when busy

No more excuses: It’s easier than you think to add regular exercise to your busy life.

​​​​​​​June 22, 2023

Why exercise is important

You might not want to hear it. In fact, as you lie on the couch after a mentally exhausting day of juggling the responsibilities of work, family and more, you might resist it with every fiber of your being. But it won’t change the fact that regular exercise is important for your overall health and wellbeing.

Why is exercise important? It’s simple science. There’s strong evidence that regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, muscular fitness, bone health and body composition (more muscle, less fat). There are also some indications that regular exercise can boost mood, support brain health and help you feel more energized.

Getting regular exercise also helps ensure you’re easily able to perform daily physical tasks like lifting groceries or climbing stairs. You’ll also be more likely to sneeze and laugh without throwing your back out or get up from playing with your kids on the floor without groaning.

And it doesn’t have to be hours of training each day for you to see some of those benefits. A few simple exercises can go a long way, especially if doing them becomes a habit.

How much physical activity do adults need?

Experts recommend that adults get at least 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 minutes of aerobic physical activity each week, or some combination of those numbers, ideally spread throughout the week. They also recommend strength training that involves all major muscle groups at least two days a week.

That is the minimum recommendation. Going above and beyond those thresholds for all activities will yield even more benefits.

“I’m too busy,” you say. “There’s no way I can fit it in.” If you succumb to your excuses, you are only hurting yourself. Regular exercise is part of self-care.

“If you don’t take care of yourself, you might not be able to accomplish everything you need to do, let alone what you want to do,” said Marissa Arterburn, a nutrition scientist for XS™ products as well as an avid bodybuilder and weight lifter. “But with the right mindset, you can make sure being physically healthy is part of your daily routine.

Here are a few tips to help you get started without spending a lot of money on gym memberships, fancy treadmills or exercise bikes.

A man and woman in business attire are walking down a city street. Walking for exercise is healthy. A man and woman in business attire are walking down a city street. Walking for exercise is healthy.

Walking for exercise

You’ve heard it said: Every journey begins with the first step. That includes your exercise journey. Walking is a simple exercise, making it a great way to add physical activity into your everyday routine. You set your own pace and you don’t have to change clothes, go to a gym, buy specialized equipment or have a spotter. Your goal is to simply get moving.

“From parking farther away from the door when you go to the store to taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you’ll find it’s quite easy to get your steps in,” Arterburn said.

Get up! Walk to your next meeting or during break

Everyone needs a break during the work day. Those breaks are opportunities to log some steps. Working in an office? Take a quick stroll down the hallways or (weather permitting) step outside and do a lap around the building.

Is your lunch date or a meeting with a client within walking distance? Give yourself extra time and walk there. Even if your meeting is on site you can take the long way to increase your walking time. You can even consider “walking meetings,” if it’s doable for the group and topic. Simply walk and talk instead of gathering in a conference room. (You might see some extra creative benefits, too!)

Stay motivated! Use a fitness tracker or pedometer

If you want to feel really good about increasing the amount of walking you do each day, start tracking your steps with a smartwatch, fitness tracker or pedometer before you make any changes to your routine.

Once you start adding more walking to your days, watching those step numbers climb higher and higher is a great motivator. You’ll soon find yourself walking in place while waiting in line or going down an extra aisle at the grocery store to get your step count up.

“It is nearly impossible for me to end my day without achieving my steps goal because I feel like my day is incomplete,” Arterburn said. “It is motivating to see what I am capable of achieving on a daily basis, but I strive to push myself a little further every week. My friends and I find ways to mix up our goals with some friendly competition, too, which keeps us accountable.”

Many people strive for 10,000 steps a day, which is the equivalent of about 5 miles, but everyone should set a goal that works for them.

A woman takes a break from work to stretch her arms up over her head while sitting at a desk. A woman takes a break from work to stretch her arms up over her head while sitting at a desk.

Keep moving

The important thing is that you are moving and looking for ways to add more movement, like turning your break into a mini workout or stretching session.

“Online searches will provide you with an array of workouts under 15 minutes targeting arms, abs or legs. These are typically a series of simple exercises you can do anywhere with makeshift weights or no equipment at all,” Arterburn said.

There is even research that shows one-minute bursts of activity done throughout the day can yield big benefits. That includes running to catch the bus, playing a quick game of tag with your kids or having a an impromptu dance party when your favorite song comes on.

Benefits of a standing desk or treadmill desk

You can really increase your movement and decrease your sedentary time if you upgrade to a standing desk or a treadmill desk.

In addition to getting you on your feet, standing desks and treadmill desks help improve your posture by eliminating the various forms of slouching you do in your chair. And they inherently burn more calories because your body is working.

The best scenario is to have the option to sit or stand or walk, as standing all day is not good for you either. Many companies have adjustable desks as the default selection for employees. There are plenty of options for the home office, too.

(WARNING: If you opt for a treadmill desk, take time to figure out the best speed for safe movement and productivity. No one wants to fall off their desk in the middle of an online meeting!)

Chores = exercise?

Cleaning can also be a good workout. It’s not like going to the gym or a five mile run, but cleaning can provide exercise. Some researchers say scrubbing your bathroom for 35 minutes can burn as many calories as 35 minutes on the treadmill.

Tackle a few cleaning jobs for 20-30 minutes and count it toward your daily workout. Other household tasks like gardening or walking the dog can count, too. Plus, you’re checking things off your lengthy to-do list!

A woman working at a laptop is drinking a glass of water to stay hydrated and help maintain energy. A woman working at a laptop is drinking a glass of water to stay hydrated and help maintain energy.

Estrategias para conservar la energía

¿Tanto caminar y moverse te parece demasiado cuando un día normal ya te deja sin energía? Un dato curioso: Cuanto más te muevas, más energía tendrás. Puede que necesites acostumbrarte, pero te sorprenderá cómo te sientes cuando camines más o hagas otros ejercicios sencillos.

También hay otras cosas que puedes hacer para tener más energía, como comer bien, mantenerte hidratado y dormir lo suficiente.

Los mejores alimentos para tener energía

Si bien la mayoría de los alimentos te darán energía, una dieta saludable rica en carbohidratos complejos, fibra y grasas saludables es la mejor opción. Eso incluye nueces, semillas, frutas frescas, verduras y productos lácteos bajos en azúcar.

Los alimentos ricos en vitamina B ayudarán a tu cuerpo a liberar energía de los alimentos que ingieres. Los alimentos ricos en hierro también son buenos, ya que el hierro ayuda a transportar oxígeno a través del cuerpo.

Formas de mantenerte hidratado

Si no bebes suficiente agua, tu cuerpo no soportará el ejercicio adicional, sin mencionar las tareas normales para la regulación de la temperatura, lubricar tus articulaciones y apoyar todas las demás funciones del cuerpo.

Para la persona promedio, esto significa entre 72 y 96 oz (2 y 3 litros) para reemplazar los líquidos que normalmente se pierden durante el día. Y si haces ejercicio, necesitas aún más. Eso no significa que solo debas beber agua sin incluir otras bebidas. Pero no todos los líquidos tendrán los mismos efectos hidratantes. Y algunos pueden tener algunos efectos secundarios no deseados.

Asegúrate de tener una botella de agua a mano durante todo el día y rellénala con frecuencia. Disminuye el consumo de cafeína, ya que puede provocar deshidratación. Además, si tomas bebidas gaseosas durante el día, intenta cambiarlas por agua. Si eso suena demasiado aburrido, ¡considera la posibilidad de incorporar complementos de hidratación para darle un poco de sabor!

¿Cuánto sueño necesito?

Dormir mal puede afectar tus niveles de energía, ya que un sueño reparador da a tus músculos y a tu cuerpo tiempo para recuperarse de los esfuerzos realizados durante el día. ¿Cuánto sueño necesitas? Los adultos entre los 18 y los 64 años necesitan dormir de 7 a 9 horas cada noche.

Puede que necesites dormir más o menos según tu nivel de actividad y lo que más te convenga. Tómate un tiempo para descubrir cuánto sueño necesita tu cuerpo a fin de lograr niveles de energía óptimos y enfocarte en dormir esa cantidad cada día.

Cuatro personas sonríen mientras participan en una clase de ejercicios en un gimnasio. Cuatro personas sonríen mientras participan en una clase de ejercicios en un gimnasio.

¡Sube de nivel! Comienza a tener entrenamientos más estructurados

Tanto si empiezas a caminar para hacer ejercicio todos los días como si realizas una rutina de ejercicios sencillos o aprovechas al máximo los beneficios de un escritorio de pie, puede que te encuentres preparado para pasar a un entrenamiento más estructurado. ¿Por dónde empezar?

Como con la mayoría de las cosas relacionadas con la salud, siempre es bueno consultar a un médico para que nos aconseje, sobre todo si padecemos alguna enfermedad que pueda afectar nuestras expectativas de ejercicio.

Como siguiente paso, desarrolla un plan con objetivos claros. Esos objetivos pueden ser simples como incorporar alguna actividad física estructurada de 2 a 3 veces por semana o pueden llegar tan alto como completar una maratón durante el próximo año.

Asegúrate de empezar poco a poco. Eso incluye fijarse objetivos manejables, pero también hacerlo antes de ponerse a hacer ejercicios cada día.

«El calentamiento y los estiramientos son fundamentales para prevenir lesiones y poder disfrutar de la nueva rutina de ejercicios», explica Arterburn.

¿Quieres más consejos de expertos? Los empresarios independientes de Amway (IBO) y los clientes registrados pueden aprovechar el programa Fitness XS para iniciar una rutina de ejercicios. Incluye consejos para fijar objetivos, ejercicios detallados que se ajusten a tu horario y preferencias, recomendaciones de productos, planificación de comidas y el soporte de un Instructor XS a la comunidad de XS.

¿Quieres saber más? Los IBO y los clientes de Amway pueden visitar Las demás personas pueden comunicarse con un IBO para obtener más información o comunicarse con Servicio al cliente de Amway.